The graduation was very nice. It was in the evening so we weren't stuck in the sun. Hannah behaved like a perfect little lady. She entertained all those in her general area, but did not get loud or interruptive. Kudos once again to Kev who downloaded a veggie tales video onto my phone. She watched intently during the ceremony and stayed very quiet.
Graduation ceremony. I know you can't see her, but Christina is heading toward the podium to collect her diploma.
Hannah at the graduation.
Christina and I after graduation.
The next day was the graduation party. It was at a nice little park in Seal Beach. It was quite a sunny day but there was a nice wind so you didn't feel the heat so much. Positive side to this, you get to enjoy a beautiful sunny day without feeling like you're burning up! Negative side to this, you burn up without realizing it! Thankfully I thought ahead and lathered my dear baby girl in SPF 50 lotion and dressed her for the occasion.
So while Hannah didn't get burned whatsoever, I got burned to a crisp. Better me than her though, right? Hannah also made some new friends on our trip. After all, who could resist that cute little face?